How did you come to join the team at Capo Beach Church?
I have been attending CBC for around 20 years, and have helped out in many different ministries over the years. One day about 7 years ago I was talking to my oldest son (then in high school) about how it would be such a blessing to be a front desk receptionist at CBC. I would love to be that friendly person when people call or come in to the church. Soon after that I received a phone call and was asked if I was working? and if I ever thought about working as a receptionist at CBC? I said yes! I would love to work at CBC!! and mentioned the conversation with my son. I was told to come in and apply for the position. So I did, and Praise God, I’m so blessed to be here serving at CBC as one of the front desk Receptionists
Describe your role at CBC in one sentence:
Helping & serving people that call or come into CBC along with getting them connected with the different ministries or ministry leader as the receptionist.
What is your favorite thing about being a part of the team here at CBC?
Connecting with People, helping people find what they are looking for in a friendly, gracious, family like manner. I enjoy sharing and showing the love of Jesus as He so lavishly loves me and hopefully blessing people in some way when we connect.
Regular or Decaf?
Favorite activities when you’re not at work:
Taking care of my home, family, 2 wiener dogs, gardening, bible study, going to the gym, shopping, hiking.
Surfing or Hiking?
Mac or PC?
Cat or Dog?
If you woke up tomorrow morning as a Disney character who would you be? Why?
I’d like to say Tiger, but took a test and it said Mary Poppins. You decide
Describe yourself in one word: