Our Vision

Here in the Red Door HSM we believe that "True Religion" has nothing to do with a pair of jeans but it has everything to do with trusting in the finished work of Jesus on the cross! Learn with us about the transformational power of grace and how it moves us from "have to's" to "want to's"! We desire to be a generation that isn't falling from their faith but falling into an endless supply of grace that strengths, loves, and accepts us no matter what.

Our HSM name Red Door is a reminder of the story in Exodus 12 which declared that those under the covering of the "red door" were safe from harm and given an opportunity to leave behind slavery and begin a new life of freedom and adventure!!! Jesus is our door to a whole new life.

Red Door HSM is committed to equip you with all the tools and opportunities (Sunday high school hour, Wednesday Nights, small groups, Monthly outreaches) and travel opportunities, (Africa, Skid Row, Mexico, Snowboarding Trip, Houseboat Trip, 100 mile bike ride, Wild Wild West Camp Counselors) you need to begin or continue your faith journey and rise up to reach your God given destiny! We will laugh along the way, but we won't entertain you just provide a place where faith and life touch.

Please checkout what the Red Door HSM is all about. We are excited to meet you.

- Pastor Rod

Red Door Community Service Hours

Red Door offers community service credit for those in need of community service hours. Please calculate using the guidelines below.

The hours for international or overnight activities are calculated at 10 hours per day, subtracting for pleasure and travel days. (Example: If you are on a mission for 7 days, you would get 50 hours of service learning. This is calculated by subtracting 2 days for travel and 5 days at 10 hours a day.)

Please send your hour verifications to Rodm@capochurch.com

Meeting Times


This happens every Sunday where students gather together at 11 AM for 5 different random breakout groups to get us discussing the morning message this last 20 minutes followed by a time of song singing to remind us that our heavenly Dad is good and cares about us and our future which is lead by our student worship band. The morning wraps up with a 20-minute message lead by one of our RDV team members or Pastor Rod.


This is an incredible time to dive deeper into meaningful conversations about life, faith and culture and Christ. Followed by a time to reflect on in song about how great Jesus truely is while expressing our gratitude and stirring our belief that He alone is worthy of putting one's hope in. This is followed by a relative grace-filled message that reveals the gospel of hope to this generation.

Location: 25975 Domingo Ave, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624

Serve As An RDV

Serve As An RDV

Being a Red Door Volunteer (RDV) means joining in on the great gift of community. If you are looking for an opportunity to serve God's church consider joining our team of volunteers. Together we lead high school aged students into knowing their true identity in Christ and all that he has to offer. We encourage them to tap into the spring of new life that Jesus offers in abundance through weekly meetings, small groups, and different outreach/mission trips, all of which are volunteer lead. We would love you to team up with us!

RDV Application