About the Teacher

Dave was born in Los Angeles and spent his growing up years in Palm Springs, California. His family is Jewish, so it was a surprise to many people at the Palm Springs Community Church when Dave showed up after a co-worker shared the gospel with him. After three months of reading, thinking and asking a ton of questions, he was wonderfully saved and transformed at an evangelistic youth night.

His life purpose is, “To help develop, equip and empower the next generation of leaders in local churches so that they finish their race well. He does this by coaching writing and teaching. Dave wrote “Leaders Who Last” in 2010, “Mistakes Leaders Make” in 2012 and “Learning Leadership From Nehemiah” in 2015. He has had the joy of conducting seminars all over the USA as well as in eight other countries based on these books.

About the course

This ten week small group experience is for those currently (or soon will be) in a leadership role. It will be a hands-on highly Interactive experience for those who want to take their walk with Jesus and leadership skills to a new level.

Class Content


The ten weeks will be divided into three parts:


  • The balanced Christian leader
  • Essential Leadership Ingredients
  • Passing it on


We will be walking through the book, “Leaders Who Last” chapter by chapter.
Each of the ten sessions will include:
  • Presentation
  • Personal reflection time
  • Discussion/Q & A
Class Details
Dates: September 14th – November 16th
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:30pm
Location: CBC Main Building, Classroom 1
Materials: Book to Purchase