Newcomers Lunch 2024

April 14, 2024 12:15 - 1:30pm  |  Capo Beach Church

What is the Newcomers Lunch all about?

This is your chance to see and experience what matters most to us – people. We will introduce you to all that is available for you, your children and family, what we are doing to reach our community, and how you can get connected to others in the church. The Newcomers Lunch will be held across the street on our grass field, and we will be having a catered taco cart for lunch.

What will we be doing at the Newcomers Lunch?

We will share a meal as you hear more about Capo Beach Church. Our goal is to have fun, enjoy a good meal together, and get to know one another as you get a “taste” of CBC.

Is childcare provided?

Our amazing Children’s Ministry team will be there during this lunch and your children will receive an activity box so that you can have your full attention on learning and building relationships.