You're Invited!
You're invited to join us this year to celebrate Holy Week and join our Easter services at Capo Beach Church! We celebrate Holy Week and follow the events that lead up to Jesus' death, then celebrate His resurrection on Easter day.
Easter is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his crucifixion. Remembering the resurrection of Jesus is a way to renew daily hope that we have victory over sin.
The Journey is not a museum. It is not a theatre production. The Journey is an encounter with the living God. Once you step inside it will transport you into the last moments of Jesus’ life before the cross. Your audio driven journey will take you from the passover meal with Jesus and his disciples to the moment of the cross through several interactive stations.
*Time: 4 – 7pm
Where: Custom Black Tent in our Parking Lot
Join us for a special youth version of The Journey, where you and your family can experience the passover meal with Jesus and his disciples to the moment of the cross through several interactive stations. Following the completion of The Journey there will be bounce houses and lawn games for the whole family to enjoy!
Time: 2-4pm
Join us for our Palm Sunday service this year! We will be having three services inside in our main sanctuary. Our cafe and bookstore will be open as well!
Service Times: 8am, 9:30am, & 11am
Where: Main Sanctuary
Nursery Care Available 0 – 4 years old.
Join us for our Maundy Thursday service. We encourage you to join us to take communion together, and get a better understanding of this commemorative day on Holy Week.
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Main Sanctuary
Children’s Church & Nursery Care Available
Join us for our Good Friday service as we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We remember Good Friday as the day that Jesus was sentenced to the highest form of criminal punishment, and the day that he died for our sins. This day is a day of reflection and honoring Jesus, and we hope you would join us.
Service Time: 6:30pm
Where: Main Sanctuary
Nursery Care Available 0 – 4 years old.
Join us for Easter this year at CBC! Our Easter service is a family-friendly celebration and we encourage you to bring your whole family! The service will include special musical guests, a message of hope and other fun surprises. Invite a friend, arrive early to get your favorite seat and grab a latte from our Capo Cafe! We can’t wait to celebrate His resurrection with you!
Service Times: 6:30am*, 8am, 9:30am, & 11am
*Special indoor sunrise service, free coffee and donuts available before this service only.
Nursery Care Available 0 – 4 years old.
Where: Main Sanctuary