Resurrection Sunday – “The BETTER WAY to be Human”

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Verse: “For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” John 10:17–18

Read: Matthew 28:1-15

We all have the greatest intentions. Often when someone does something wrong to us they might apologize and say they didn’t intend to hurt us. We spend all day intending to do so many things but often those intentions do not take shape. Those intentions do not take on flesh and become a part of our life. Action and Intention are not the same.

Jesus did not intend to save us. Jesus SAVED us.
Jesus did not intend to restore us. Jesus RESTORED us.
Jesus did not intend to give His life. Jesus GAVE it for us.
Jesus did not intend to rise from the dead. Jesus ROSE from the dead.

Jesus did not intend to stay dead. Jesus is ALIVE!

Jesus and all His greatest intentions don’t rest behind a stone that we make yearly pilgrimages to. Jesus was placed behind the stone only to rise again. He is now fully alive and no longer there! He now lives in us! Jesus wasn’t about intentions. He was about action.

Jesus looked death in the face and defeated it by rising again. Jesus set straight the path that has been crooked since we left the garden. Jesus came to restore peace, hope and life as it should be. A life lived reconciled with His Father through His sacrifice. Jesus is worthy of our trust, our allegiance, and our worship!

Jesus is the better way to be human.